You can go 40 days without food

you can go 14 days without water, but you can only go 4 minutes without air. So it seems that the most important human function is breathing. The act of breathing filters oxygen into your blood that purifies the blood. Carbon is the pollution in the blood and when the Lungs filter 02 in, it becomes C02 and is exhaled. The bigger your lung capacity, the more air which means more oxygen in your blood and better purification of the blood. This prevents sludge in the blood and the eventual blood thinners. We all know that meditation slows the mind and calms the nervous system. But he average American never finds time to meditate. When we were kids they called it daydreaming and made us feel like it was a waste of time. Now today we know that daydreaming is meditation but nobody tells the kids that, so the negative keeps being perpetuated. Meditation is the best medication for anxiety, bi-polar, obsessive compulsive and other nervous disorders.

The Real Purpose of Exercise

If you ask the average American why it is important to exercise they will mumble something about cardiovascular and strength. The real purpose of exercise is to generate internal heat and flush the lymphatic system. This creates an artificial fever and produces perspiration that will kill virus, bacteria, fungus and parasites. This also increases that capacity of the lungs and produces more macrophages that eat pollution. The leg muscles squeeze the blood vessels to increase blood flow back to the heart that lowers blood pressure. Exercise also increases lymph flow to kidneys filtration function and better purifies all blood and fluids. 

Now that we know breathing, meditation and exercise are critical to our Health and Wholeness (sickness prevention program), what is the minimum time we need daily to be effective? You can spend ten to thirty minutes at bedtime and wakeup time performing breathing exercises. You can spend ten to sixty minutes in meditation just before you leave your residence and after your arrival back at home. You need a minimum of 40 minutes a day of exercise and a maximum of 60 minutes a day to maintain health. Obviously you need more than that if you’re an amateur athlete. 

To sum this up, you need a minimum of 20 minutes breathing, 20 minutes meditating and 40 minutes exercising daily. That totals one hour twenty minutes. The average American will not commit to that. But if I told you, that you can combine breathing, meditation and exercise in one 42-minute exercise would you commit to learning to learn it?  This exercise is called Blue Dragon Medical Qi Gong and is taught at the Academy of Qigong & Internal Studies.

Why Medical Qigong!

Qi gong means mastering your own energy. Medical refers to increasing Qi flow through acupuncture meridians. Blue Dragon refers to immortality or living past 90 years of age. Medical qigong is a moving meditation that stills the mind, calms the nervous system, rebuilds the immune system, strengthening bones and joints, lowering blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol. 

Healthy breathing is considered 8 breaths per minute. The average American takes 16 breaths per minute. With qigong breathing, the fully expanded lungs press upon the heart, giving the heart a hug. In fact when you take a deep breath and hold it, your heart rate slows and lowers blood pressure. Qigong slows both heart and respiration, prolonging life. 

In Chinese Medicine the liver controls the muscles and is injured by anger and depression. In western medicine, exercise is proven just as effective as pharmaceutical drugs for depression and anger management. Exercise is the best medication for depression. Qigong exercise eliminates blood stagnation as well as emotional stagnation. It allows the 7 deadly emotions to flow out of the body. 

Blue Dragon Medical Qigong, taught here at AQIS Academy,  is one of the best ways to combine exercise for the body/mind, breathing for the heart/mind and meditation for the spirit/mind. Blue Dragon Medical Qigong nourishes the Essence (hormones), cultivates the Qi (energy) and preserves the body (longevity). 

Blue Dragon Medical Qigong teaches the six virtues of giving, ethics, patience, joyous effort, concentration, and wisdom (application of knowledge with experience). Theses 6 virtues offset the 3 Poisons of anger, avoidance and addiction and the 3 Demons who crave Power, Possessions and Perversion. Blue Dragon Medical Qigong benefits the physical body, energy body, emotional body and spiritual body. With study, practice and only 42 minutes a day, Blue Dragon Medical Qigong is the best medication for reversal and prevention of chronic and degenerative disease, mental emotional illness and premature aging.

Benefits of Medical Qigong

  • Lowers blood pressure. 
  • Lowers Blood Sugar. 
  • Prevents Heart Blockage. 
  • Improves Kidney Function.
  •  Improves Mental Clarity. 
  • Calms & Relaxes Nervous System.

Benefits of Medical Qigong

  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • Lowers Blood Sugar.
  • Prevents Heart Blockage.
  • Improves Kidney Function.
  • Improves Mental Clarity.
  • Calms & Relaxes Nervous System.
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